Meals For The Young: Vegan Mofo Day 27

To make a meal for the young I thought about what I liked to eat when I was young. When I was very young my Dad used to take me to Deep Pan Pizza. Deep Pan Pizza was a UK pizza chain and our local branch was in Pilsworth, it had an American Fire Engine inside. Later it became a Frankie and Bennys and now it’s empty. I don’t know what happen to the fire engine.

In my children’s menu days my order was the Miss Piggie… I know. I was a ham pizza. We’d also get cheesy garlic bread and I’d steel pickled onions from my Dad’s salad. Of course now the ham on my pizza is tempeh bacon, and the cheese is the swirly pizza cheese from Superfun Times. It’s even better.

3 thoughts on “Meals For The Young: Vegan Mofo Day 27

  1. Hi there. My Father now owns that very same fire engine. Its fully restored and is shown at lots of classic car events around the Midlands. Do you know anyone who may have any photographs of it in the restaurant? If you want to see it as it is now please Search @StudebakerFireTruck on Facebook.


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